Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом face. Страница два

Фразеологизмы со словом face. Страница два

face like a wet weekend
Иметь грустное, печальное выражение лица.
What's wrong with Pete? He's got a face like a wet weekend.
Что такое с Питом? Он такой хмурый.
What’s happened? You have a face like a wet weekend.
Что случилось? Ты выглядишь уныло.
face like thunder
Быть очень сердитым.
When Dad is really angry, he has a face like thunder!
Когда папа очень сердит, он как грозовая туча!
What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder!
Что с ним сегодня? Он выглядит таким злым.
face only a mother could love
О человеке, который некрасив и непривлекателен.
The poor guy has a face only a mother could love.
Бедняга лицом не вышел.
face that would stop a clock
Очень неприятная внешность.
You'll recognize him - he's tall and thin, with a face that would stop a clock!
Ты его узнаешь – он высокий, худой и безобразный!
face the music
To go through trouble or danger, especially because of something you did; accept your punishment.
Столкнуться с трудностями или опасностью, особенно из-за собственных поступков; принять наказание.
The boy was caught cheating in an examination and had to face the music.
The official who had been taking bribes was exposed by a newspaper, and had to face the music.
George knew his mother would cry when he told her, but he decided to go home and face the music.
He was caught stealing. Now he has to face the music!
Его поймали за воровством. Теперь ему придется за это поплатиться.
Tom went to the office to face the music.
Том пошел в офис, чтобы справиться с последствиями ошибки.
You’ve made a mistake; now you’ll have to face the music.
Ты совершил ошибку, теперь тебе придется за нее расплачиваться.
He was caught cheating on the exam. No he has to face the music.
Его поймали за списыванием на экзамене. Теперь ему придётся ответить за это.
face up to
To bravely confront a person or a challenge; admit.
Jack doesn't want to face up to the fact that Helen doesn't love him anymore.
Jane cannot face up to her mother-in-law who always wins every argument they have.
To confess something to someone; confess to having done something.
Jim had to face up to having stolen a sweater from the department store.
face value
The worth or price printed on a stamp, bond, note, piece of paper money, etc.
The savings bond had a face value of $25.
The seeming worth or truth of something.
Кажущаяся ценность или истинность чего-либо.
She took his stories at face value and did not know he was joking.
The car seems to be in good condition, but don't take it at its face value; get a mechanic to check it out.
Кажется машина в хорошем состоянии, но не суди по обложке, пусть механик посмотрит.
Something that serves to maintain the dignity or prestige of someone or something.
The shop teacher's note was a face-saver when another teacher thought John and Bill were playing hookey in town.