Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом eat. Страница восемь

Словосочетания со словом eat. Страница восемь

eat high on the hog
eat high off the hog
live high on the hog
live high off the hog
To eat or live well or elegantly.
For the first few days after the check arrived, they ate high on the hog.
eat humble pie
To be humbled; to accept insult or shame; admit your error and apologize.
Быть скромным, тихим; не отвечать на оскорбления или обиды; принять свою ошибку и извиниться.
Tow told a lie about George, and when he was found out, he had to eat humble pie.
In some old stories a boy with a stepfather has to eat humble pie.
John, stand up for your rights. You don’t have to eat humble pie all the time.
Джон, отстаивай свои права, ты не можешь постоянно принимать оскорбления.
eat in
To eat at home.
I feel too tired to go out for dinner. Let’s eat in again tonight.
eat like a bird
To eat very little; have little appetite.
Очень мало есть (как птичка); иметь плохой аппетит.
Mrs. Benson is on a diet and she eats like a bird.
Alice's mother is worried about her; she eats like a bird and is very thin.
Jane is very slim because she eats like a bird.
Джейн очень худая, потому что она ест как птичка.
She is very thin. She eats like a bird.
Она очень худая. Она очень мало ест.
eat like a horse
To eat a lot; eat hungrily.
The harvesters worked into the evening, and then came in and ate like horses.
eat one out of house and home
To eat so much as to cause economic hardship.
Our teenaged sons are so hungry all the time that they may soon eat us out of house and home.
To overstay one's welcome.
We love Bob and Jane very much, but after two weeks we started to feel that they were eating us out of house and home.
eat one's cake and have it too
To use or spend something and still keep it; have both when you must choose one of two things. Often used in negative sentences.
Необходимость выбрать какой-либо из двух вариантов, часто используется в отрицательных предложениях.
Roger can't make up his mind whether to go to college or get a job. You can't eat your cake and have it too.
Mary wants to buy a beautiful dress she saw at the store, but she also wants to save her birthday money for camp. She wants to eat her cake and have it too.
"You cannot eat your cake and have it too", said my boss when I told him I want to have more holidays and more responsibility at work.
"Один пирог два раза не съешь", сказал мой начальник, когда я рассказал ему, что хочу больше выходных и больше обязанностей на работе.
eat one's heart out
To grieve long and hopelessly; to become thin and weak from sorrow.
For months after her husband's death, Joanne simply ate her heart out.
We sometimes hear of a dog eating its heart out for a dead owner.