Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом down. Страница семь

Словосочетания со словом down. Страница семь

down to the wire
Running out of time, nearing a deadline.
Превышать срок; приближаться к окончательному сроку.
Bob is down to the wire on his project.
The workers went down to the wire and were able to complete the construction of the bridge on time.
Рабочие подошли к крайнему сроку и смогли закончить сооружение моста вовремя.
Being financially almost broke, being very low on cash or other funds.
We can't afford going to a restaurant tonight - we're really down to the wire!
down with a disease
Ill or sick.
Болен или нездоров.
Aunt Liz is down with the flu this week; she has to stay in bed.
На этой неделе тетя Лиз заболела гриппом; ей придется оставаться в постели.
After being down with a cold for several days, he finally started to feel better.
Проболев несколько дней простудой, он наконец начал чувствовать себя лучше.
The whole family was down with a stomach virus, and it was a tough week for them.
Вся семья заболела желудочным вирусом, эта неделя выдалась для них тяжелой.
A person who has lost everything and is penniless.
Joe goes from shelter to shelter asking for food and a place to sleep; he's become a regular down-and-outer.
Poorly kept up or dressed shabby; not neat; sloppy.
John is always down-at-the-heels, but his sister is always very neat.
Old houses sometimes look down-at-the-heel.
Showing good sense; practical.
The committee's first plan for the party was too fancy, but the second was more down-to-earth.
Mr. Jenkins never seems to know what is happening around him, but his wife is friendly and down-to-earth.
drink down
To drink in one gulp; swallow entirely.
Steve was so thirsty that he drank down six glasses of orange juice in rapid succession.
face down
To get the upper hand over someone by behaving forcefully; disconcert someone by the displaying of great self-assurance.
Осадить кого-то, запугать, нагнать страху.
The night guard faced down the burglar by staring him squarely in the face.
John faced Tom down.
Джон запугал Тома.
fall down on the job
To fail to work well.
Потерпеть неудачу при попытке хорошо работать.
The boss was disappointed when his workers fell down on the job.
Начальник был разочарован, когда его работники не смогли хорошо выполнить работу.