Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом air. Страница два

Словосочетания со словом air. Страница два

black-tie affair
black-tie event
Официальное мероприятие, требующее галстука и смокинга.
The award ceremony was a black-tie affair.
Церемония награждения была официальным событием.
build castles in the air
build castles in Spain
To make impossible or imaginary plans, dream about future successes that are unlikely.
He liked to build castles in the air, but never succeeded in anything.
To build castles in Spain is natural for young people and they may work hard enough to get part of their wishes.
by a hair
Немного, чуть-чуть.
He smiled by a hair.
Он чуть-чуть улыбался.
clear the air
To remove angry feelings, misunderstanding, or confusion.
The President's statement that he would run for office again cleared the air of rumors and guessing.
When Bill was angry at Bob, Bob made a joke, and it cleared the air between them.
crew cut
crew haircut
A boy's or man's hair style, cut so that the hair stands up in short, stiff bristle.
Many boys like to get crew cuts during the summer to keep cooler.
curl one's hair
To shock; frighten; horrify; amaze.
Шокировать; испугать; удивить.
Wait till you read what it says about you - this'll curl your hair.
The movie about monsters from another planet curled his hair.
I could tell you stories that would make your hair curl.
Я могу рассказывать тебе истории, от которых у тебя волосы от ужаса на голове дыбом встанут.
disappear into thin air
evaporate into thin air
vanish into thin air
To disappear quickly, without leaving a trace.
Money seems to disappear into thin air these days.
Jack just vanished into thin air before the meeting had started.
fair and square
Without cheating; honestly.
He won the game fair and square.