Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом use

Фразеологизмы со словом use

a Mickey Mouse job
You have a chance to get a Mickey Mouse job.
У тебя есть шанс получить халтуру.
as happy as a flea in a doghouse
очень счастливый и довольный
Since she moved to a smaller apartment, my mother is as happy as a flea in a doghouse.
С тех пор как она переехала в квартиру поменьше, моя мама неимоверно счастлива.
as useful as a chocolate teapot
чт-то бесполезное
When there are no roads, a car is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Когда нет дорог, от машины никакой пользы.
be used
To be accustomed to.
This idiom refers to a situation, action, or habit that continues in the present. The idiom is always followed by a noun or gerund phrase.
He is used to this climate now, so the changes in temperature do not affect him much.
I am used to studying in the library, so it's difficult for me to study at home now.
because of
On account of; by reason of; as a result of.
The train arrived late because of the snowstorm.
big house
A large jail or prison.
The rapist will spend many years in the big house.
blow a fuse
blow a gasket
blow one's top
blow one's stack
pop one's cork
To become extremely angry; express rage in hot words.
To become very excited, angry, hysterical, or furious.
Прийти в состояние повышенного раздражения; выражать гнев резкими словами. Быть в состоянии когда "снесло башню".
When Mr. McCarthy's son got married against his wishes, he blew a fuse.
When the umpire called Joe out at first, Joe blew his top and was sent to the showers.
She blew her top after she was dropped from the team.
У нее снесло крышу, после того как ее исключили из команды.
"No need to blow your top, Al," his wife said, "just because you lost a few dollars."
bring down the house
To start an audience laughing or clapping enthusiastically.
Заставить слушателей смеяться или вызвать бурные аплодисменты.
The principal's story was funny in itself and also touched their loyalties, so it brought down the house.
The President made a fine speech which brought down the house.
She brought down the house by the performance.
Она покорила весь зал выступлением.