Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами string along

Словосочетания со словами string along

string along
string someone along
To deceive; fool; lead on dishonestly.
Обманывать, дурачить, вести себя нечестно.
Mary was stringing John along for years but she didn't mean to marry him.
George told the new boy that he must always call the teacher "Sir," but the new boy soon saw that George was stringing him along.
Susan had high hopes of marrying Charlie. When he ran off with another woman, she realized that he was just stringing her along.
Сюзан надеялась, что Чарли женится на ней. Когда он убежал с другой женщиной, она поняла, что он ее всего лишь водил за нос.
To follow someone's leadership; join his group.
Those of you who want to learn about wild flowers, string along with Jake.