Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами one foot in the grave

Фразеологизмы со словами one foot in the grave

one foot in the grave
Near to death.
Одной ного в могиле; быть при смерти.
The dog is fourteen years old, blind, and feeble. He has one foot in the grave.
Grandfather has never been sick a day in his life, but Mother cares for him as if he had one foot in the grave.
When you are one foot in the grave, you start analyzing your life.
Когда ты одной ногой в могиле, ты начинаешь анализировать свою жизнь.
I was so sick, I felt as if I had one foot in the grave.
Я был так болен, что мне казалось, будто я одной ногой в могиле.