Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом hit

Фразеологизмы со словом hit

bad shit
An unpleasant event or situation, such as a long lasting and unsettled quarrel or recurring acts of vengeance preventing two people or two groups from reaching any kind of reconciliation.
There is so much bad shit between the two gangs that I bet there will he more killings this year.
below the belt
hit below the belt
In the stomach; lower than is legal in boxing.
В живот; ниже чем разрешено в боксе.
He struck the other boy below the belt.
In an unfair or cowardly way; against the rules of sportsmanship or justice; unsportingly; wrongly.
Совершать что-то нечестное или трусливое; удар ниже пояса.
It was hitting below the belt for Mr. Jones's rival to tell people about a crime that Mr. Jones committed when he was a young boy.
Pete told the students to vote against Harry because Harry was in a wheelchair and couldn't be a good class president, but the students thought Pete was hitting below the belt.
I think it was a hit below the belt when he lied to her.
Я думаю, это было немного нечестно, что он лгал ей.
My friend was hitting below the belt when he criticized me after I told him my true feelings.
Мой друг ударил ниже пояса, когда начал критиковать меня после того, как я рассказал ему о своих истинных чувствах.
black and white
put on paper
put (it) in black and white
put (it) in writing
Print or writing; words on paper, not spoken; exact written or printed form.
"Черным по белому", в письменной форме.
He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white.
Mrs. Jones would not believe the news, so Mr. Jones showed her the article in the newspaper and said, "There it is in black and white."
Our boss usually asks us to communicate him in black and white.
Наш начальник обычно просит нас передавать ему сообщения в письменном виде.
The different shades of black and white of a simple picture, rather than other colors.
He showed us snapshots in black and white.
Divided into only two sides that are either right or wrong or good or bad, with nothing in between; thinking or judging everything as either good or bad.
Everything is black-and-white to Bill; if you're not his friend, you are his enemy.
The old man's religion shows his black-and-white thinking; everything is either completely good or completely bad.
blue around the gills
green around the gills
pale around the gills
yellow around the gills
pink around the gills
white around the gills
Pale-faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated.
Also used with other prepositions besides around, as about, at, under, and with other colors, as blue, pink, yellow, white.
Иметь бледное лицо от страха или болезни; болезненный; тошнотворный.
Bill's father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough, and when he came back he was green around the gills.
You should sit down. You look a bit blue around the gills.
Тебе следует присесть. Ты выглядишь неважно.
The car almost hit Mary crossing the street, and she was yellow around the gills because it came so close.
Машина чуть не сбила Мэри, когда она переходила улицу, и девушка побледнела от страха потому, что машина проехала так близко.
bullshit artist
A person who habitually makes exaggerated or insincerely flattering speeches designed to impress others.
Joe is a regular bullshit artist, small wonder he keeps getting promoted ahead of everyone else.
Exaggerated or insincere talk meant to impress others.
"Joe, this is a lot of bullshit!"
To exaggerate or talk insincerely in an effort to make yourself seem impressive.
"Stop bullshitting me, Joe, I can't believe a word of what you're saying."
get hitched
To get married.
After a long period of dating, Fred and Mary finally got hitched.