Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом double

Фразеологизмы со словом double

do a double take
To look again in surprise; suddenly understand what is seen or said.
John did a double take when he saw Bill in girls' clothes.
When Evvie said she was quitting school, I did a double take.
double back
To turn back on one's way or course.
The escaped prisoner doubled back on his tracks.
To fold over; usually in the middle.
The teacher told Johnny to double back the sheet of paper and tear it in half.
double check
A careful second check to be sure that something is right; a careful look for errors.
The policeman made a double check on the doors in the shopping area.
To do a double check on; look at again very carefully.
Перепроверять; убедиться, что всё верно.
When the last typing of his book was finished, the author double-checked it.
I double-checked the price of the music center which I was going to buy.
Я еще раз проверил цену музыкального центра, который я собирался купить.
To make a double check; look carefully at something.
The proofreader double-checks against errors.
double date
A date on which two couples go together.
John and Nancy went with Mary and Bill on a double date.
double duty
Two uses or jobs; two purposes or duties.
Matthew does double duty. He's the janitor in the morning and gardener in the afternoon.
Our new washer does double duty; it washes the clothes and also dries them.
double nickel
The nationally enforced speed limit on some highways - 55 MPH.
We'd better go double nickel on this stretch, partner; there's a bear in the air.
double up
To bend far over forward.
Jim was hit by the baseball and doubled up with pain.
To share a room, bed, or home with another.
Делить комнату или жилище с кем-либо.
When relatives came for a visit, Ann had to double up with her sister.
Wilma had to double up in the dorm though she’d rather not to share the room with anybody.
Вилма вынуждена была жить вдвоем в комнате студенческого общежития, хотя она бы лучше не делила ни с кем комнату.
To promise one thing and deliver another; to deceive.
Обмануть; "обвести вокруг пальца".
The lawyer double-crossed the inventor by manufacturing the gadget instead of fulfilling his promise to arrange a patent for his client.
Don’t trust Samuel Kortney, he is sure to double-cross you.
Не доверяй Самюэлю Кортни, он обязательно обманет тебя.