Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом box

Фразеологизмы со словом box

Pandora's box
open Pandora's box
A thing or problem that, if activated, will give rise to many unmanageable problems.
If they insist on having that inquiry, they will open up a Pandora's box.
box office
The place at movies and theaters where tickets may be purchased just before the performance instead of having ordered them through the telephone or having bought them at a ticket agency.
No need to reserve the seats; we can pick them up at the box office.
A best selling movie, musical, or drama (where the tickets are all always sold out and people line up in front of the box office).
John Wayne's last movie was a regular box office.
Anything successful or well liked.
Betsie is no longer box office with me.
A small, suburban house built by a land developer available at low cost and resembling the other houses around it.
They moved to a suburb, but their house is just a cheesebox.
idiot box
A television set.
Телевизор. Зомбоящик.
Phil has been staring at the idiot box all afternoon.
He spends all his free time in front of the idiot box.
Он все свободное время проводит перед ящиком.
in a bind
in a box
Likely to have trouble whether you do one thing or another.
Sam is in a bind because if he carries home his aunt's groceries, his teacher will be angry because he is late, and if he doesn't, his aunt will complain.
look as if one has come out of a bandbox
To look very clean and fresh; look as if you had just had a bath and put on all-new clothing.
In spite of the long, hot train ride, Jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.
After a day at the rodeo we were all dusty and tired except for Hope, who looked as if she'd come out of a bandbox.
penalty box
A place where penalized hockey players are required to go to wait until the penalty is over.
Two players got into a fight and were sent to the penalty box for two minutes.
press box
The place or room high in a sports stadium that is for newspaper men and radio and television announcers.
In baseball the official scorer sits in the press box.