Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом ass

Фразеологизмы со словом ass

a pretty pass
An unfortunate condition; a critical state.
While the boss was away, things at the company had come to a pretty pass.
brass hat
A high officer in the army, navy, or air force.
The brass hats in Washington often discuss important secrets.
Any person who has a high position in business, politics, or other work.
Mr. Woods, the rich oil man, is a political brass hat.
bring to pass
To make (something) happen; succeed in causing.
By much planning, the mother brought the marriage to pass.
The change in the law was slow in coming, and it took a disaster to bring it to pass.
A person who passes the buck.
Mr. Jones was a buck-passer even at home, and tried to make his wife make all the decisions.
Passing the buck.
Buck-passing clerks in stores make customers angry.
come to pass
To happen; occur.
Strange things come to pass in troubled times.
It came to pass that the jailer visited him by night.
His hopes of success did not come to pass.
cross one's mind
pass through one's mind
To be a sudden or passing thought; be thought of by someone; come to your mind; occur to you.
At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia's waving, but then it crossed his mind that she was trying to tell him something.
When Jane did not come home by midnight, many terrible fears passed through Mother's mind.
cut a class
To be truant; to deliberately miss a class and do something else instead.
Быть прогульщиком; намеренно пропускать занятия и заниматься чем-то вместо них.
"If you keep cutting classes the way you do, you will almost surely flunk this course," John's professor said to him.
Kate cut the class because she did not do homework.
Катя прогуляла урок, потому что она не сделала домашнее задание.