Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом ask

Фразеологизмы со словом ask

ask for one's hand
To ask permission to marry someone.
"Sir," John said timidly to Mary's father, "I came to ask for your daughter's hand."
ask for the moon
cry for the moon
To want something that you cannot reach or have; try for the impossible.
John asked his mother for a hundred dollars today. He's always asking for the moon.
ask for
To make (something bad) likely to happen to you; bring (something bad) upon yourself.
Charles drives fast on worn-out tires; he is asking for trouble.
The workman lost his job, but he asked for it by coming to work drunk several times.
If you drink alcohol and then drive a car, you’re only asking for trouble.
Don’t complain about your cut in salary. You asked for it by refusing to heed our repeated warnings not to be late and inefficient.
asking for trouble
"Лезть на рожон"; вести себя вызывающе, опасно.
Going to that dangerous street is really asking for trouble!
Идти на ту опасную улицу — это все равно что искать неприятности!
basket case
A person who has had both arms and both legs cut off as a result of war or other misfortune. A helpless person who is unable to take care of himself, as if carted around in a basket by others.
Беспомощный человек, который не в состоянии смотреть за собой, как если бы был засунут в корзину кем-то другим.
Stop drinking, or else you'll wind up a basket case!
He is going to turn into a basket case if he continue drinking.
Он совсем сойдет с ума если продолжит пить.
blow a fuse
blow a gasket
blow one's top
blow one's stack
pop one's cork
To become extremely angry; express rage in hot words.
To become very excited, angry, hysterical, or furious.
Прийти в состояние повышенного раздражения; выражать гнев резкими словами. Быть в состоянии когда "снесло башню".
When Mr. McCarthy's son got married against his wishes, he blew a fuse.
When the umpire called Joe out at first, Joe blew his top and was sent to the showers.
She blew her top after she was dropped from the team.
У нее снесло крышу, после того как ее исключили из команды.
"No need to blow your top, Al," his wife said, "just because you lost a few dollars."
The stomach.
John is stuffing his breadbasket again.
for the asking
By asking; by asking for it; on request.
John said I could borrow his bike any time. It was mine for the asking.
Teacher said her advice was free for the asking.