Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами let up

Словосочетания со словами let up

let up
To become less, weaker, or quiet; become slower or stop.
It's raining as hard as ever. It's not letting up at all.
It snowed for three days before it let up and we could go outdoors.
If the rain doesn’t let up soon, we won’t be able to have our picnic.
To do less or go slower or stop; relax; stop working or working hard.
Grandfather has been working all his life. When is he going to let up?
Let up for a minute. You can't work hard all day.
Jim ran all the way home without letting up once.
When Jane is working, she never lets up for a moment.
To become easier, kinder, or less strict. Usually used with on.
Let up on Jane. She is sick.
To pitch a ball at less than full speed in baseball. Usually used with on.
John pitched a ball that was very fast and the batter missed it. Then he let up on the next pitch and the batter was badly fooled.