Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами in the red

Фразеологизмы со словами in the red

in the red
In an unprofitable way; so as to lose money.
From the fact that people who keep business records usually write in red ink how much money they lose and in black ink how much money they gain.
Быть убыточным, приносить дефицит, быть должником.
A large number of American radio stations operate in the red.
A rich man who has a farm or ranch often runs it in the red, but makes his money with his factory or business.
He has been in the red since 2010.
Он в убытке с 2010 года.
The company closed after running in the red for over a year.
Компания закрылась, так как больше года была "в минусе".