Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом hat. Страница шесть

Фразеологизмы со словом hat. Страница шесть

is that so
Oh, indeed? That's interesting. Used in simple acceptance or reply.
"The Republicans have pulled a trick at city hall." "Is that so?"
Surely not? Used in disbelief or sarcasm.
"The moon is made of green cheese." "Is that so?"
"I'm going to take your girlfriend to the dance," said Bob. "Oh, is that so!" said Dick. "Try it and you'll be sorry."
it figures
that figures
It checks out; it makes sense; it adds up.
"Имеено так", "конечно", "определенно".
It figures that Bob got the highest raise at our firm; he is the most productive salesman.
-We'll have to get a bigger car when the baby arrives.
-That figures.
-Нам придется купить машину побольше, когда родится ребенок.
-Ну конечно.
It figures that the children were willing to help with the yardwork only if they received a reward for doing so.
When I told Evan that his secretary was unhappy about not getting a raise, he said that it figured.
it is an ill wind that blows nobody good
No matter how bad a happening is, someone can usually gain something from it. A proverb.
Неважно как плохо идут дела, кто-то обычно получает выгоду из такой ситуации. Пословица.
When Fred got hurt in the game John got a chance to play. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good.
When Fred got hurt in the game John got a chance to play. It's an ill wind that blows no good.
Когда Фред получил травму во время игры, Джону представилась возможность сыграть (вместо него). Не бывает худа без добра.
just what the doctor ordered
Exactly what is needed or wanted.
"Ah! Just what the doctor ordered!" exclaimed Joe when Mary brought him a cold soda.
keep under one's hat
To keep secret; not tell. Often used as a command.
Хранить секрет.
Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his hat until it was announced publicly.
Keep it under your hat.
My boss has promised me a promotion, but it's not official yet, so keep it under your hat.
Мой босс пообещал мне повышение, но пока это неофициально, так что держи это в тайне.
kill the goose that laid the golden egg
To spoil something that is good or something that you have, by being greedy. A proverb.
Mrs. Jones gives you an apple from her tree whenever you go by her house, but don't kill the goose that laid the golden egg by bothering her too much.
know something inside out
know what's what
To be extremely well conversant with something; be an expert in; have thorough knowledge of.
Быть экспертов в чем-либо; "знать вдоль и поперек".
Tom knows the stock market inside out.
My friend is a guide and she knows our town inside out.
Моя подруга - экскурсовод, и она знает город вдоль и поперек.
last straw
straw that breaks the camel's back
A small trouble which follows other troubles and makes one lose patience and be unable to bear them.
Bill had a bad day in school yesterday. He lost his knife on the way home, then he fell down, and when he broke a shoe lace, that was the last straw and he began to cry.
Mary didn't like it when the other girls said she was proud and lazy, but when they said she told fibs it was the straw that broke the camel's back and she told the teacher.
When John asked to borrow money from me for the fourth time, it was the last straw. I finally told him that I couldn’t lend him any more.
I can’t believe that my roommate left the door to our apartment unlocked again. It’s the last straw; I’m moving out.