Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом have. Страница пять

Словосочетания со словом have. Страница пять

have a good time
To enjoy oneself
We all had a good time at the class reunion last night.
Did you have a good time at the park? I really enjoyed it.
have a hand in
have a finger in
have one's finger in
To have a part in or influence over; to be partly responsible for.
Участвовать в чем-либо; быть частично ответственным за что-либо.
Sue's schoolmates respect her and she has a hand in every important decision made by the Student Council.
Ben had a hand in getting ready the Senior play.
I didn’t have my finger in that event.
Я не участвовала в том событии.
have a head for
have a good head for
To have a special talent in a certain area.
Joan has quite a good head for business administration.
have a heart-to-heart talk
To confide in someone with great intimacy.
Jill and her mother had a heart-to-heart talk before she decided to move in with Andrew.
have a heart
To stop being mean; be kind, generous, or sympathetic.
"Сжальтесь", "помилосердствуйте" и т.д.
Have a heart, Bob, and lend me two dollars.
Have a heart, Mary, and help me with this lesson.
He didn't know if the teacher would have a heart and pass him.
"Have a heart," I told my supervisor when he said that I must work the whole weekend.
"Сжальтесь", сказал я своему начальнику, когда он сказал, что я должен работать все выходные.
have a mind of one's own
To be independent in one's thinking and judgment.
Tow has always had a mind of his own so there is no use trying to convince him how to vote.
have a mind to
have a good mind to
To consider doing; intend to with a high degree of probability.
I have a good mind to tell my boss that he doesn't know how to run our enterprise.
have a say in
have a voice in
To have the right to express one's opinion or cast a vote in a pending matter.
Our boss is friendly and democratic; he always encourages us to have a say in what we will do next.
The new vice-president was promised that she would have a voice in developing the company’s international expansion.
The students are trying to have a voice in college affairs by gaining representation on administrative committees.