Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом face. Страница пять

Фразеологизмы со словом face. Страница пять

poker face
Лицо как при игре в покер. Лицо не выражающее эмоций.
Whenever Betty attended one of her children's performances, she managed to keep a poker face.
Когда бы Бетти ни посещала выступление одного их своих детей, ей всегда удавалось казаться бесстрастной.
put a new face on
To alter the aspect of something; change.
Mr. Merry man's announcement of his candidacy for governor puts an entirely new face on the political scene in our state.
put on a brave face
Встречаясь с трудностями выглядеть бодро и претворяться, что все не так уж плохо. Сохранять хорошую мину при плохой игре.
Even at the worst of times she put on a brave face.
Даже в самые тяжелые времена она сохраняет лицо.
save face
save one's face
To save your good reputation, popularity, or dignity when something has happened or may happen to hurt you; hide something that may cause you shame.
Спасти чью-либо репутацию; сохранить уважение.
The policeman was caught accepting a bribe; he tried to save face by claiming it was money owed to him.
Полицейский был пойман, когда брал взятку. Он пытался спасти свою репутацию, заявив, что ему отдавали долг.
Bill would not play in the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save face.
The colonel who lost the battle saved face by showing his orders from the general.
She tried to save face in this situation.
Она постаралась сохранить уважение к себе в сложившейся ситуации.
scratch the surface
To learn or understand very little about something. Usually used with a limiting adverb (as only, hardly).
We thought we understood Africa but when we made a trip there we found we had only scratched the surface.
High school students have only scratched the surface of their subjects, and even after college graduation, they still find there is much more to learn.
set one's face against
To be very much against; strongly disapprove.
The banker's daughter wanted to marry a poor boy, but her father set his face against it.
shoot off one's mouth
shoot off one's face
To give opinions without knowing all the facts; talk as if you know everything.
Tom has never been to Florida, but he's always shooting his mouth off about how superior Florida is to California.
I want to study the problem before I shoot off my face.
The editor of the newspaper is always shooting his mouth off about the trouble in Africa.
show one's face
To be seen; appear.
Bill is afraid to show his face since Tom threatened to beat him up.
Judy is a wonderful mimic but she is too shy to show her face on stage.
After cheating on the test, Chris was ashamed to show his face.