Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом get. Страница двадцать семь

Словосочетания со словом get. Страница двадцать семь

together with
In addition to; in the company of; along with.
John, together with his brother, has gone to the party.
The police found a knife, together with the stolen money, hidden in a hollow tree.
upper hand
whip hand
get the upper hand on
Controlling power; advantage.
In the third round the champion got the upper hand over his opponent and knocked him out.
The cowboy trained the wild horse so that he finally got the whip hand and tamed the horse.
walk down the aisle together
День брачная церемония; день, когда двое молодых людей "вместе прошли церковный неф", т.е. стали мужем и женой.
I remember the day, when we walked down the aisle with your mother.
Я помню тот день, кода мы поженились с твоей матерью.
warm up
get warmed up
To reheat cooked food.
Mr. Jones was so late that his dinner got cold; his wife had to warm it up.
When the children had left for school, their mother warmed up the breakfast coffee.
To become friendly or interested.
It takes an hour or so for some children to warm up to strangers.
As he warmed up to his subject, Tom forgot his bashfulness.
To get ready for a game or other event by exercising or practicing.
The dancers began to warm up fifteen minutes before the performance.
The coach told us to warm up before entering the pool.