Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом carry. Страница три

Фразеологизмы со словом carry. Страница три

Selling things for cash money only and letting the customer carry them home, not having the store deliver them; also sold in this way.
Продажа товаров за наличный расчёт без доставки на дом.
This is a cash-and-carry store only.
You can save money at a cash-and-carry sale.
We were able to get a good price on a sofa in a cash-and-carry deal at the furniture store.
Нам удалось сговориться о приемлемой цене на диван в сделке за наличный расчет и без доставки в мебельном магазине.
With no credit, no time payments, and no deliveries.
Some stores sell cash-and-carry only.
It is cheaper to buy cash-and-carry.