Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом carr. Страница три

Словосочетания со словом carr. Страница три

carry weight
To be influential; have significance and/or clout; impress.
A letter of recommendation from a full professor carries more weight than a letter from an assistant professor.
carrying charge
An extra cost added to the price of something bought on weekly or monthly payments.
The price of the bicycle was $50. Jim bought it for $5.00 a month for ten months plus a carrying charge of $1 a month.
Selling things for cash money only and letting the customer carry them home, not having the store deliver them; also sold in this way.
Продажа товаров за наличный расчёт без доставки на дом.
This is a cash-and-carry store only.
You can save money at a cash-and-carry sale.
We were able to get a good price on a sofa in a cash-and-carry deal at the furniture store.
Нам удалось сговориться о приемлемой цене на диван в сделке за наличный расчет и без доставки в мебельном магазине.
With no credit, no time payments, and no deliveries.
Some stores sell cash-and-carry only.
It is cheaper to buy cash-and-carry.