Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом get. Страница девятнадцать

Словосочетания со словом get. Страница девятнадцать

get to the heart of
To find the most important facts about or the central meaning of; understand the most important thing about.
You can often get to the heart of people's unhappiness by letting them talk.
"If you can find a topic sentence, often it will help you get to the heart of the paragraph," said the teacher.
get to
To begin by chance; begin to.
Used with a verbal noun or an infinitive.
George meant to save his dollar, but he got to thinking how good an ice cream cone would taste, and he spent it.
On a rainy day, Sally got to looking around in the attic and found some old pictures of Father.
I got to know Mary at the party.
I was just getting to know John when he moved away.
To have a chance to; be able to do something special.
The Taylors wanted to go to the beach Saturday, but it rained and they didn't get to.
Did you get to see the king?
The children got to stay up late and watch a good movie for the family.
To arrive at a place, such as home, work, etc.
I missed the bus and couldn't get to the office until ten o'clock.
When are you planning to get to home tonight?
get together
To come to an agreement; agree.
Mother says I should finish my arithmetic lesson, and Father says I should mow the lawn. Why don't you two get together?
get two bites at the cherry
have another bite at the cherry
Получить второй шанс что-либо сделать.
He was eliminated in the semi-finals but he'll get a second bite at the cherry next year.
Он был отсеян в полуфиналах, но в следующем году у него снова появится шанс.
Her appointment will calm those of us who felt she deserved to have another bite at the cherry.
Ее назначение успокоит тех, кто считал, что она заслуживала второго шанса.
get under one's skin
To bother; upset.
Беспокоить; расстраивать.
The students get under Mary's skin by talking about her freckles.
Children who talk too much in class get under the teacher's skin.
She got under his skin.
Она его расстроила.
get underway
To set out on a journey; start going.
We are delighted that our new Ph.D. program finally got underway.
get up on the wrong side of the bed
To awake with a bad temper.
Henry got up on the wrong side of the bed and wouldn't eat breakfast.
The man went to bed very late and got up on the wrong side of the bed.
get up the nerve
To build up your courage until you are brave enough; become brave enough.
Jack got up the nerve to ask Ruth to dance with him.
The hungry little boy got up nerve to ask for another piece of cake.