Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом the. Страница сто тридцать пять

Фразеологизмы со словом the. Страница сто тридцать пять

up to the last minute
Until the last possible moment; until the very end.
When I try to send in an important eyewitness report from the scene of a major accident, I must keep working up to the last minute.
up to date
Modern; contemporary; the latest that technology can offer.
Hyphens (-) separate the parts of this idiom when it precedes a noun form.
"I want an up-to-date dictionary of American idioms," Mr. Lee said, "that has all the latest Americanisms in it."
The president insisted that the company bring its aging equipment up to date.
This catalog is not up to date. It was published several years ago.
The news program gave an up-to-date account of the nuclear accident. The newscaster said that he would update the news report every half hour.
upper hand
whip hand
get the upper hand on
Controlling power; advantage.
In the third round the champion got the upper hand over his opponent and knocked him out.
The cowboy trained the wild horse so that he finally got the whip hand and tamed the horse.
upset the applecart
upset one's applecart
To ruin a plan or what is being done, often by surprise or accident; change how things are or are being done, often unexpectedly; ruin or mix up another person's success or plan for success.
Разрушать планы или что-то уже сделанное, как правило неожиданно или случайно - "портить малину".
John upset the other team's applecart by hitting a home run in the last inning and we won the game.
We are planning a surprise party for Bill, so don't let Mary upset the applecart by telling him before the party.
Frank thinks he is going to be the boss, but I'll upset his applecart the first chance I get.
Everything was going well at the company picnic until our boss arrived and upset the applecart.
Все шло хорошо на пикнике компании, пока наш босс не пришел и не испортил малину.
use every trick in the book
To avail oneself of any means at all in order to achieve one's goal, not exclusive of possibly immoral or illegal acts.
Algernon used every trick in the book to get Maxine to go out with him, but she kept refusing.
walk down the aisle together
День брачная церемония; день, когда двое молодых людей "вместе прошли церковный неф", т.е. стали мужем и женой.
I remember the day, when we walked down the aisle with your mother.
Я помню тот день, кода мы поженились с твоей матерью.
walk the chalk
walk the chalk line
walk the chalk mark
To act exactly as you are supposed to; behave properly; obey.
(From the fact that sailors used to be asked to walk a chalk line along the deck of the ship to prove they were not drunk.)
That new teacher really makes the students walk the chalk.
In some classes the students play and talk, but Mr. Parker makes them walk the chalk.
That theater owner wants his place to be orderly, and if boys and girls don't walk the chalk, he puts them out.
walk the floor
To walk one direction and then the other across the floor, again and again; pace.
Mr. Black walked the floor, trying to reach a decision.
The sick baby had his mother walking the floor all night.
Mrs. Black's toothache hurt so much that she got up and walked the floor.