Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом turn. Страница два

Фразеологизмы со словом turn. Страница два

in return
In order to give back something; as payment; in recognition or exchange. Often used with "for".
Bud gave me his knife and I gave him marbles in return.
The lady helped Mother when she was sick and in return Mother often invited her to dinner.
How much did John give you in return for your bicycle?
I hit him in return for the time he hit me.
I wrote Dad a letter and got a package in return.
in turn
According to a settled order; each following another.
Each man in turn got up and spoke.
Two teachers supervised the lunch hour in turn.
Two of the three boys tease their younger brother - John, the biggest, teases Bob, the middle boy; and Bob in turn teases Tim, the youngest.
leave no stone unturned
To try in every way; miss no chance; do everything possible. Usually used in the negative.
The police will leave no stone unturned in their search for the bank robbers.
not know which way to turn
not know which way to jump
To be puzzled about getting out of a difficulty; not know what to do to get out of trouble.
Не знать как выбраться из трудной ситуации, избавиться от проблем.
When Jane missed the last bus home, she didn't know which way to turn.
After Mr. Brown died, Mrs. Brown had no money to pay the bills. When the landlord told her to pay the rent or move out, she didn't know which way to jump.
I had no home, no money, and I didn't know which way to turn.
У меня нет ни денег, ни дома и я понятия не имею, что делать!
not to turn a hair
Глазом не моргнуть.
He didn’t even turn a hair.
Он даже глазом не моргнул.
out of turn
Not in regular order; at the wrong time.
John played out of turn.
By taking a day off out of turn, Bob got the schedule mixed up.
Too hastily or wrongly; at the wrong time or place; so as to annoy others.
Dick loses friends by speaking out of turn.
put one's hand to
set one's hand to
turn one's hand to
To start working at; try to do.
Hal does a good job at everything mat he turns his hand to.
After Mr. Sullivan found farming unprofitable, he moved to town and turned his hand to carpentry.
return the compliment
To say or do the same to someone that he has said or done to you; pay someone back.
Mary said, "I love your new hairdo" and Suzy returned the compliment with "What a pretty dress you're wearing, Mary."
John punched Jerry in the nose, and Jerry returned the compliment.