Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом tongue. Страница два

Словосочетания со словом tongue. Страница два

speak with a forked tongue
To lie; to say one thing while thinking of the opposite.
Лгать; быть лжецом, лицемерным человеком.
I have learned not to trust Peter's promises because he speaks with a forked tongue.
This man is always speaking with a forked tongue and nobody trusts him.
Этот мужчина всегда лжет и ему никто не доверяет.
A taciturn person; one who doesn't say much.
The witness was tight-lipped about what she saw for fear of physical retaliation by the mob.
to have a loose tongue
Болтать без умолку, не переставая.
He has a loose tongue. Be careful and do not share your secrets with him.
Он настоящий болтун. Будь осторожен и не делись с ним своими секретами.
tongue twister
A word or group of words difficult to pronounce whose meaning is irrelevant compared to the difficulty of enunciation.
"She sells sea shells by the seashore" is a popular American tongue twister.
In an ironic or insincere manner.
В ироничном или неискренним тоне; насмешливо.
When the faculty complained about the poor salary increments, the university's president said that he was not a psychiatrist, thus making an inappropriate tongue-in-cheek remark.
His tongue-in-cheek compliment concerning my evening dress made me embarrassed.
Его насмешливый комлимент по поводу моего вечернего платья заставил меня смутиться.
tongue lashing
A sharp scolding or criticism.
Jim's mother gave him a tongue-lashing for telling family secrets.
tongues wag
tongues to wag
cause tongues to wag
make tongues wag
set tongues wagging
People speak in an excited or gossipy manner; people spread rumors.
If married women go out with other men, tongues will wag.
When the bank clerk showed up in an expensive new car, tongues wagged.