Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом stand. Страница пять

Словосочетания со словом stand. Страница пять

stand up with
To be best man or maid of honor at a wedding.
A groom often chooses his brother to stand up with him.
stand up
To rise to a standing position; get up on your feet.
A gentleman stands up when a lady enters a room.
When the president entered the room, everyone stood up.
Suzy, stop rolling around on the floor; stand up now.
To be strong enough to use hard or for a long time.
A rocket must be built strongly to stand up under the blast-off.
The old car has already stood up for twenty years.
My old car has stood up well over the years. I haven’t had any major problems at all.
To make a date and then fail to keep it.
June cried when Bill stood her up on their first dale.
Janet was very angry because her new boyfriend stood her up on their second date. She waited over an hour for him before returning home.
standard time
slow time
slow tune
Clock time that is set by law or agreement in a country or in part of a country; especially, in the United States: the clock time used between fall and spring, which is an hour slower than the time used in the summer. Abbreviation ST.
When we go to bed Saturday night, we will set our clocks back an hour, because Sunday we will be on standard time again.
Next week it will get dark an hour earlier, because we will be on standard time.
Stiff; aloof; reserved in manner.
The famous chess player is hard to get to know because he is so standoffish.
stick to one's guns
stand by one's guns
To hold to an aim or an opinion even though people try to stop you or say you are wrong.
People laughed at Columbus when he said the world was round. He stuck to his guns and proved he was right.
At first the boss would not give Jane the raise in pay she wanted, but she stood by her guns and he gave it to her.
take a stand
To assert one's point. of view; declare one's position.
Отстаивать свою точку зрения; заявлять о своей позиции.
It is time for American society to take a stand against crime.
Настало время американскому обществу заявить о своей позиции против преступности.
In the face of growing criticism, the senator decided to take a stand on immigration reform, believing it was vital for the future of the country.
Столкнувшись с растущей критикой, сенатор решил занять четкую позицию по иммиграционной реформе, считая, что она имеет жизненно важное значение для будущего страны.
After much consideration, Mike chose to take a stand on climate change and started advocating for more sustainable practices in his community.
После долгих раздумий Майк решил занять четкую позицию по вопросу изменения климата и начал выступать за более устойчивые методы работы в своем сообществе.
During the town hall meeting, Julia decided to take a stand against the proposed development that would harm the local wildlife.
На собрании мэрии Джулия решила выступить против предлагаемой застройки, которая нанесет вред местной дикой природе.
take the stand
To assume one's position in the witness box during a trial. Can also be used more broadly to mean to assert one's opinion.
Занимать чье-либо положение на свидетельской трибуне во время судебного разбирательства. Занимать определенную позицию.
The judge asked the defendant to take the stand.
Судья попросил ответчика выступить с заявлением.
In the courtroom of life, we all must take the stand for what we believe in, even when it's difficult.
В зале суда жизни мы все должны отстаивать то, во что верим, даже если это трудно.
When faced with injustice, it's essential to take the stand and speak your truth, no matter the consequences.
Столкнувшись с несправедливостью, важно занять позицию и высказать свою правду, невзирая на последствия.