Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом save

Фразеологизмы со словом save

a penny saved is a penny earned
дословно: Пенс сохранил – пенс заработал.
"Копейка рубль бережет".
A penny saved is a penny earned and it is better to be thrifty sometimes than to only work more hours.
Сэкономил – значит, заработал и лучше иногда быть бережливым, чем просто больше работать.
Something that serves to maintain the dignity or prestige of someone or something.
The shop teacher's note was a face-saver when another teacher thought John and Bill were playing hookey in town.
rainy day
save for a rainy day
A time of need; especially: a time when you really need money.
"Черный день", день обострения нужды, особенно, когда вы нуждаетесь в деньгах.
Squirrels gather acorns for a rainy day.
Each week Mrs. Carlson saved a little money for a rainy day.
My parents told me always to save for a rainy day, as you never know when you may need a little additional money.
Мои родители говорили мне всегда откладывать на черный день, поскольку никогда не знаешь, когда могут понадобиться дополнительный деньги.
She has a couple of thousand pounds kept aside which she's saving for a rainy day.
У нее есть пара тысяч фунтов, которые она отложила, и хранит на крайний случай.
save face
save one's face
To save your good reputation, popularity, or dignity when something has happened or may happen to hurt you; hide something that may cause you shame.
Спасти чью-либо репутацию; сохранить уважение.
The policeman was caught accepting a bribe; he tried to save face by claiming it was money owed to him.
Полицейский был пойман, когда брал взятку. Он пытался спасти свою репутацию, заявив, что ему отдавали долг.
Bill would not play in the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save face.
The colonel who lost the battle saved face by showing his orders from the general.
She tried to save face in this situation.
Она постаралась сохранить уважение к себе в сложившейся ситуации.
save one's bacon
save one's neck
save one's skin
To save from danger or trouble.
Спасти чью-любо шкуру.
The fighter planes saved our skins while the army was landing from the ships.
Betty saved Tim's neck by typing his report for him; without her help he could not have finished on time.
Бетти спасла шкуру Тима, напечатав его отчет за него. Без ее помощи он мог бы не успеть закончить вовремя.
save one's breath
To keep silent because talking will not help; not talk because it will do no good.
Помалкивать, держать язык за зубами, держать свое мнение при себе.
Save your breath; the boss will never give you the day off.
"Save your breath! I'm tired of your endless excuses. You're fired!" said the boss to his employee who was late for work again.
"Помалкивай! Я устал от твоих бесконечных оправданий! Ты уволен!" сказал начальник своему работнику, который снова опоздал на работу.
save the day
To bring about victory or success, especially when defeat is likely.
Спасти положение.
The forest fire was nearly out of control when suddenly it rained heavily and saved the day.
The team was behind, but at the last minute Sam saved the day with a touchdown.
My alarm clock broke down and I almost overslept an important meeting but my wife woke me up and saved the day.
У меня сломался будильник и я чуть не проспал важную встречу, но моя жена меня разбудила и спасла положение.
save up
To put away for future use; keep as savings; save.
John was saving up for a new bicycle.
Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.