Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом own

Словосочетания со словом own

about one's ears
around one's ears
bring down about one's ears
bring down around one's ears
pull down about one's ears
pull down around one's ears
To or into complete collapse, defeat, or ruin; to the destruction of a person's plans, hopes, or happiness.
They planned to have factories all over the world but the war brought their plans down about their ears.
John hoped to go to college and become a great scientist some day, but when his father died he had to get a job, and John's dreams came crashing around his ears.
according to one's own lights
In accordance with one's conscience or inclinations.
Citizens should vote according to their own lights.
after one's own heart
Well liked because of agreeing with your own feelings, interests, and ideas; to your liking-agreeable. Used after man or some similar word.
He likes baseball and good food; he is a man after my own heart.
Thanks for agreeing with me about the class party; you're a girl after my own heart.
back down
back off
To give up a claim; not follow up a threat.
Bill said he could beat Ted, but when Ted put up his fists Bill backed down.
Harry claimed Joe had taken his book, but backed down when the teacher talked with him.
bear down on
bear down upon
To draw constantly nearer with great speed and force.
The police cars were bearing down on the bank robbers' get-away car.
After the boys threw the snowballs they saw a large lady bearing down upon them from across the street.
bear down
To press or push harder; work hard at; give full strength and attention.
She is bearing down in her studies to win a scholarship.
The baseball pitcher is bearing down.
The pitcher bore down on the star batter.
Teachers of the deaf bear down on English.
The sergeant bears down on lazy soldiers.
To move toward in an impressive or threatening way. Often used with on.
While he was crossing the street a big truck bore down on him.
The little ship tried to escape when the big pirate ship bore down.
After the boys threw the snowballs they saw a large lady bearing down upon them from across the street.
beat down
To crush or break the spirit of; win over; conquer.
All their defenses were beaten down by the tanks.
To try to get reduced; force down by discussing.
Can we beat down the price?
To persuade or force (someone) to accept a lower price or easier payments.
He tried to beat us down, so we did not sell the house.
To shine brightly or hotly.
At noon the sun beat down on our heads as we walked home.
bird has flown
The prisoner has escaped; the captive has got away.
When the sheriff returned to the jail, he discovered that the bird had flown.