Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом night. Страница два

Словосочетания со словом night. Страница два

night letter
A telegram sent at night at a cheaper rate and delivered in the morning.
I waited until after six o'clock in the evening before sending the telegram home because I can say more for the same price in a night letter.
night life
Entertainment at night.
People in the city are able to find more night life than those who live in the country.
night owl
One who sleeps during the day and stays up or works during the night.
Человек, который спит днем и бодрствует или работает по ночам.
Tom hardly ever sleeps at night; he prefers to work by lamp light and has become a regular night owl.
My friend is a night owl and he always calls me late at night.
Мой друг – полуночник. Он все время звонит мне поздно ночью.
A good-night drink; a drink taken just before bedtime.
Let's have a nightcap and then go to sleep.
Would you like to come up to my place for a nightcap?
one-night stand
A single performance given by a traveling company while on a tour.
After they went bankrupt in the big cities, the traveling jazz quartet played one-night stands in the country.
A brief affair or sexual encounter.
"With AIDS all around us?" said Jane. "Nobody is having one-night stands anymore."
From one evening until the next morning.
We could drive from Chicago to Detroit in one day, but it would be more comfortable if we stayed overnight in a motel.
When Tom won the lottery he became a rich man overnight.
spend the night
To sleep somewhere.
It was so late after the party that we decided to spend the night at our friends' house.
white night
Ночь без сна.
He had a white night last night.
Прошедшей ночью он так и не уснул.