Словосочетания со словом law

break a law
Нарушать закон.
Laws like promises shouldn’t be broken.
Законы, как обещания, не следует нарушать.
law of averages
The idea that you can't win all the time or lose all the time.
The Celtics have won 10 games in a row but the law of averages will catch up with them soon.
law unto oneself
A person who does only what he wishes; a person who ignores or breaks the law when he doesn't like it.
Everybody in Germany feared Hitler because he was a law unto himself.
Mr. Brown told Johnny that he must stop trying to be a law unto himself.
Obeying or following the law.
Michael had been a law-abiding citizen all his life.
lay down the law
To give strict orders.
The teacher lays down the law about homework every afternoon.
To speak severely or seriously about a wrongdoing; scold.
The principal called in the students and laid down the law to them about skipping classes.
legal age
lawful age
The age at which a person is allowed to do a certain thing or is held responsible for an action.
In most states the legal age for voting is 27.
He could not get a driver's license because he was not of lawful age.
parliamentary law
The rules for legislative or other meetings.
The club followed parliamentary law at the business meeting.
take the law into one's own hands
To protect one's supposed rights or punish a suspected wrongdoer without reference to a court. An overused expression.
When the men of the settlement caught the suspected murderer, they took the law into their own hands and hanged him to a tree.
His farm was going to be sold for taxes, but he took the law into his own hands and drove the sheriff away with a shotgun.