Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами in one. Страница десять

Фразеологизмы со словами in one. Страница десять

throw in one's lot with
cast in one's lot with
cast one's lot with
To decide to share or take part in anything that happens to; join.
The thief decided to throw in his lot with the gang when he heard their plans.
When Carl was old enough to vote, he threw in his lot with the Democrats.
Washington was rich, but he decided to cast in his lot with the colonies against Britain.
throw something in one's face
throw something in one's teeth
To blame a person for (something wrong); not allow someone to forget (a mistake or failure). Often used with back.
Bob came home late for dinner last week, and his mother keeps throwing it back in his face.
I made a mistake in the ball game and the boys keep throwing it back in my teeth.
turn in one's grave
turn over in one's grave
To be so grieved or angry that you would not rest quietly in your grave.
Перевернуться в гробу; быть настолько сварливым, что не найти покоя даже в могиле.
If your grandfather could see what you're doing now, he would turn over in his grave.
If your grandfather could see how you're wasting his money, he would turn over in his grave.
Если бы твой дедушка мог видеть как ты транжиришь его деньги, он бы в гробу перевернулся.
turn over in one's mind
To carefully consider.
I will have to turn it over in my mind whether to accept the new job offer from Japan.
two cents
put in one's two cents worth
feel like two cents
Something not important or very small; almost nothing.
Paul was so angry that he said for two cents he would quit the team.
When John saw that the girl he was scolding was lame, he felt like two cents.
Something you want to say; opinion. Used with a possessive.
Что-то, что хочется сказать; мнение.
If we want your two cents, we'll ask for it.
Everybody is tired with this know-all man; his is always putting his two cents in every discussion.
Все устали от этого всезнайки, он всегда вставляет свои две копейки в любой спор.
up one's sleeve
in one's sleeve
Hidden in the sleeve of one's shirt or coat and ready for secret or wrongful use.
The crooked gambler hid aces up his sleeve during the card game so that he would win.
Kept secretly ready for the right time or for a time when needed.
Козырь в рукаве, запасной вариант.
Jimmy knew that his father had some trick up his sleeve because he was smiling to himself during the checker game.
If that medicine doesn’t work, I’ve got some other ways of treating you up my sleeve.
Если это лекарство не сработает, у меня есть еще кое-что в запасе.
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
pin one's heart on one's sleeve
put one's heart on one's sleeve
To show your feelings openly; show everyone how you feel; not hide your feelings.
She wears her heart on her sleeve. It's easy to see if she is sad or happy.
Sometimes it is better not to pin your heart on your sleeve.
win one's spurs
In old times, to be named a knight with the right to wear little sharp spikes on your heels.
A young squire won his spurs in battle.
To win fame or honor.
The young lieutenant won his spurs by leading an attack on enemy machine guns.
Edison won his spurs as an inventor while rather young.
He has yet to win his spurs as a big league ball player.