put one's house in order
set one's house in order
To arrange your affairs in good order.
Организовывать свои дела в правильном, хорошем порядке.
Grandfather knew he would not live long and set his house in order.
When Mr. Black died, his lawyer helped the widow put her house in order.
The government should put its own house in order before telling other countries what to do.
Правительство должно привести в порядок свои дела, прежде чем указывать другим странам, что делать.
You’d better put your own house in order before telling me what to do.
Сначала бы сам навел порядок в своих делах, а потом бы говорил, что мне делать.
rough house
Riotous play or commotion.
Шумная ссора, драка.
I told the boys they can play in the attic if there is no roughhouse.
They made a rough house out of a little problem.
Они создали шумную ссору из-за маленькой проблемы.
To play very wildly; be running around as young boys usually do.
"Stop roughhousing this minute," Grandma cried. "Your father will be home soon."
shout from the housetops
shout from the rooftops
To tell everyone; broadcast, especially one's own personal business.
Mr. Clark was so happy when his son was born that he shouted the news from the housetops.
When Mary bleached her hair, her neighbors shouted it from the housetops.