Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом hole. Страница три

Словосочетания со словом hole. Страница три

pick a hole in
pick holes in
To find a mistake in or things wrong with; criticize; blame. To criticize or find fault with something, such as a speech, a statement, a theory, etc.
The witness said he had been walking in the moonlight last Sunday, but the lawyer picked a hole in what he said by proving that there was no moon and that it rained Sunday night.
Mary is always picking holes in what the other girls do.
It is easier to pick holes in someone else's argument than to make a good one yourself.
Small compartment for internal mail in an office or a department.
"You can just put your late exam into my pigeonhole," said Professor Brown to the concerned student.
One of the small compartments in a desk or cabinet.
He keeps his cufflinks in a pigeonhole in his desk.
To set aside; defer consideration of.
The plan was pigeonholed until the next committee meeting.
To typecast; give a stereotypical characterization to someone.
It was unfair of the committee to pigeonhole him as a left-wing troublemaker.
square peg in a round hole
A person who does not fit into a job or position; someone who does not belong where he is. Sometimes used in a short form square peg.
Arthur is a square peg in a round hole when he is playing ball.
George likes to work with his hands. When it comes to books, he's a square peg in a round hole.
watering hole
watering place
A bar, pub, or nightclub where people gather to drink and socialize.
I like "The Silver Dollar" - it is my favorite watering hole in all of Sidney, Nebraska.
whole cheese
The only important person; big boss.
Joe thought he was the whole cheese in the game because he owned the ball.
whole show
The only important person; big boss.
You're not the whole show just because you got all A's.
with a whole skin
in a whole skin
keep a whole skin
With no injury; unhurt; safely.
Без повреждений; безопасно. "Спасти свою шкуру".
The boy was lucky to escape with a whole skin when the car went off the road.
Jack came through the game with a whole skin.
The horse threw him off, but he got away in a whole skin.
He worried only about keeping a whole skin.
Он беспокоился только о спасении своей шкуры.
I saw him in a whole skin.
Я видел, он был цел и невредим.