have none of
To refuse to approve or allow.
The teacher said she would have none of Mike's arguing.
When the fullback refused to obey the captain, the captain said he would have none of that.
have nothing on
not have anything on
Not to be any better than; to have no advantage over.
Susan is a wonderful athlete, but when it comes to dancing she has nothing on Mary.
Even though he is older, John has nothing on Peter in school.
Although the Smiths have a Rolls Royce, they have nothing on the Jones' who have a Cadillac and a Jaguar.
To have no information or proof that someone broke the law.
Mr. James was not worried when he was arrested because he was sure they had nothing on him.
Mr. Brown was an honest politician and they had nothing on him.
have nothing to do with
To not be involved with; not care about.
Не иметь отношения к чему-либо; не заботиться о чем-либо.
Our firm has nothing to do with oil from the Near East; we are interested in solar energy.
Наша фирма не имеет никакого отношения к ближневосточной нефти; нас интересует солнечная энергия.
The accusations against him have nothing to do with the truth; they are just based on misunderstandings.
Обвинения против него не имеют ничего общего с правдой; они основаны лишь на недоразумениях.
The delay in the shipment has nothing to do with our team; it was caused by external suppliers.
Задержка с отгрузкой не имеет никакого отношения к нашей команде; она была вызвана внешними поставщиками.
have on
To be dressed in; wear.
Mary had on her new dress.
How do you like the hat which Grace has on today?
When Sally came into the room, I had nothing on except my shorts.
To have (something) planned; have an appointment; plan to do.
Harry has a big weekend on.
I'm sorry I can't attend your party, but I have a meeting on for that night.
have one for the road
Выпить последнюю порцию или глоток спиртного перед тем, как уйти; "на посошок".
The man had evidently one for the road and a few drinks before that because he looked tipsy.
Мужчина, очевидно, выпил "на посошок", и до этого еще пару раз, поскольку выглядел он подвыпившим.
have one over the eight
To be tipsy a little.
Быть слегка пьяным.
Don't listen to him. You can see he's had one over eight!
Не слушай его! Ты же видишь что он навеселе!
She's had one over the eight and needs to go home.
Она немного перебрала, и ей нужно домой.
have one's ass in a sling
To be in an uncomfortable predicament; to be in the dog-house; to be at a disadvantage.
Al sure had his ass in a sling when the boss found out about his juggling the account.
have one's back
To protect someone from harm.
At the time of your decision, your sister reached out to me to have my back emotionally, it wasn’t a romantic thing.
We understand that you have all of your staff backs.