Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом feather. Страница два

Фразеологизмы со словом feather. Страница два

make the fur fly
make the feathers fly
Say or write mean things about someone or to jump on and fight hard.
A man fooled Mr. Black and got his money. Mr. Black will really make the fur fly when he finds the man.
Mrs. Baker's dog dug holes in her neighbor's garden. The neighbor really made the fur fly when she saw Mrs. Baker.
ruffle feathers
ruffle one's feathers
Insult or disturb slightly; offend.
The author ruffled some feathers by his portrait of his hometown.
smooth somebody's ruffled feathers
Tom took the criticism badly, but James managed to smooth his ruffled feathers.
Том плохо воспринял критику, но Джеймсу удалось его утихомирить.
tar and feather
To pour heated tar on and cover with feathers as a punishment.
In the Old West bad men were sometimes tarred and feathered and driven out of town.