Фразеологизмы со словом dirt

air one's dirty linen in public
wash one's dirty linen in public
To talk about your private quarrels or disgraces where others can hear; make public something embarrassing that should be kept secret.
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Everyone in the school knew that the superintendent and the principal were angry with each other because they aired their dirty linen in public.
No one knew that the boys' mother was a drug addict, because the family did not wash its dirty linen in public.
She has a habit of airing everyone's dirty linen in public.
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dirt cheap
Extremely inexpensive.
The apartment we are renting is dirt cheap compared to other apartments of similar size in this neighborhood.
dirty look
A look that shows dislike.
Miss Parker sent Joe to the principal's office for giving her a dirty look.
dirty old man
An older man who shows an unhealthy interest in young girls.
"Stay away from Uncle Algernon, Sally," her mother warned. "He is a dirty old man."
dirty one's hands
soil one's hands
To lower or hurt one's character or good name; do a bad or shameful thing.
The teacher warned the children not to dirty their hands by cheating in the examination.
I would not soil my hands by going with bad people and doing bad things.
dirty story
An improper or obscene story.
Uncle Bill is much too fond of telling dirty stories in order to embarrass his friends.
dirty trick
A treacherous action; an unfair act.
That was a dirty trick John played on Mary when he ran away with her younger sister.
dish the dirt
To gossip, to spread rumors about others.
Stop dishing the dirt. Sally, it's really quite unbecoming!