Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словами cross one's fingers

Словосочетания со словами cross one's fingers

cross one's fingers
keep one's fingers crossed
keep your fingers crossed
To cross two fingers of one hand for good luck. To wish for good luck.
Скрестить пальцы на удачу; надеяться что все пройдет гладко. Желать удачи.
Mary crossed her fingers during the race so that Tom would win.
I have a job interview today. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will you?
У меня сегодня собеседование на работу. Скрестишь пальцы на удачу, хорошо?
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we got passing grades on that college entrance exam.
Jerry kept his fingers crossed that the good weather would hold up for the picnic he was planning for the coming weekend.
Keep your fingers crossed while I take the test.
I crossed my fingers for you.
Я держала кулаки за тебя.
To cross two fingers of one hand to excuse an untruth that you are telling.
Johnny crossed his fingers when he told his mother the lie.