Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом art. Страница четыре

Фразеологизмы со словом art. Страница четыре

Showing good sense; practical.
The committee's first plan for the party was too fancy, but the second was more down-to-earth.
Mr. Jenkins never seems to know what is happening around him, but his wife is friendly and down-to-earth.
draw and quarter
To execute someone in the barbaric medieval fashion of having him torn into four pieces by four horses tearing his body in four different directions.
The captured foreign marauders were drawn and quartered by the angry citizens of ancient Frankfurt.
To punish someone very severely.
"If you miss another homework assignment, John," the teacher said, "I'll have you drawn and quartered."
eat one's heart out
To grieve long and hopelessly; to become thin and weak from sorrow.
For months after her husband's death, Joanne simply ate her heart out.
We sometimes hear of a dog eating its heart out for a dead owner.
find it in one's heart
To be able or willing because of your nature.
He could not find it in his heart to tell her about her mother's death.
Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
He could never find it in his heart to be mean to a dog.
follow one's heart
To do what one wishes to do rather than to follow the voice of reason.
Instead of accepting a lucrative job in his father's business, Jim followed his heart and became a missionary in the jungle.
fool and his money are soon parted
A foolish person soon wastes his money. A proverb.
Глупцы быстро расстаются с деньгами.
Jimmy spends all his pennies for candy. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Джимми тратит все свои деньги на сладости. У дурака деньги долго не задерживаются.
for one's part
on one's part
As far as you are concerned; the way you feel or think.
I don't know about you, but for my part I don't want to go to that place.
for the most part
In general; mostly; most of the time; commonly; generally.
European countries are, for the most part, tired of war.