Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом art. Страница четырнадцать

Фразеологизмы со словом art. Страница четырнадцать

start something
To make trouble; cause a quarrel or fight.
John is always starting something.
Jack likes to play tricks on the other boys to start something.
start up
To begin operating.
The driver started up the motor of the car.
The engine started up with a roar.
To begin to play (music).
The conductor waved his baton, and the band started up.
The orchestra started up a waltz.
To rise or stand suddenly.
When he heard the bell, he started up from his chair.
starter marriage
Первый, короткий брак, который оканчивается разводом, без раздела имущества и сожалений.
Her starter marriage lasted less than 2 months.
Ее первый брак продлился меньше 2 месяцев.
The best and the latest any field of research can offer; modern; the latest; the most advanced.
State-of-the-art personal computers may cost a little more than older models, but may be worth the cost for those who need them.
take heart
To be encouraged; feel braver and want to try.
The men took heart from their leader's words and went on to win the battle.
When we are in trouble we can take heart from the fact that things often seem worse than they are.
take part
take part in
to be in on
To have a part or share; join; to be involved in, to participate in.
Jim saw the new boy watching the game and asked him to take part.
The Swiss did not take part in the two World Wars.
Martin was sick and could not take part in the meeting yesterday.
I didn't want to be in on their argument, so I remained silent.
take to heart
lay to heart
To be seriously affected by; to feel deeply.
He took his brother's death very much to heart.
He took his friend's advice to heart.
tell apart
tell from
To see the difference between; know each of.
The teacher could not tell the twins apart.
The two brothers look so much alike that few people can tell them apart.
Most new cars are very similar in appearance. It’s almost impossible to tell one from another.